Knabenkantorei Basel, Switzerland

The Knabenkantorei Basel (KKB) is the non-denominational successor of the Singknaben of the Protestant Reformed Church of Basel-Stadt, founded in 1927. Its busy schedule includes both a cappella and orchestral concerts, chorus parts in opera productions at Theater Basel and appearances at music festivals of renown. Its repertoire ranges from a cappella works to oratorios to folk songs and popular ear worms. As an important cultural ambassador, the KKB travels widely in Europe and overseas and in 2024 undertook a concert tour of South America. It has won prizes at various international competitions. Performing at the 2023 European Choir Games in Norrköping, Sweden, for example, the KKB’s male-voice choir was declared European champion in the “Musica Sacra with Accompaniment” category as well as winning the Grand Prix of Nations. All the singers receive a solid grounding in music theory as well as individual coaching and support. The KKB is conducted by Oliver Rudin, an alumnus who took over as choirmaster in 2017.